
By Tail Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - Pattern And Color With Photo And Description

Know all types of Betta fish - by tail, pattern and colour with photo and description - 

The bettafish is also called Thai fighting fish is one of the popular fish kept by fishing hobbies. Many Betta fish hobbies use selective and crossbreeding over many years to produce a variety of different looking Betta fish.

Although, actually, they all evolved around the same fish species, there is an impressive amount of variety in their appearance.

In fact, Betta Fish has many very different patterns, colors, and fin types. And it is too difficult for beginner Betta fish keepers to distinguish them. Even the experienced Betta Fish keepers are occasionally confused when they identify themselves on a large scale.

To explain, I will describe in this article about different species of all the Betta fish out there. But from time to time many new species of Betta fish appear, perhaps not the same with all the "standard" types included in this article. But, I will describe most types of Betta fish that are common and rarely found in the trade.

Types of Betta Fish – By Tail Type

The striking differences of betta fish are tail and fin types, start from striking short tail until long and flowing fins, neat fan-like tails and more. To know it all see the explanation below:

Veil Tail (VT) Betta Fish

The veil tail (VT) betta fish is one of the popular betta fish types. This type is easy to find on the most pet store.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @bettaboos on instagram

This betta fish type has long and flowing tails and tends to droop from the caudal peduncle. The dorsal fins and anal fins are long and flowing too. The VT has an asymmetrical tail, so if you divide their tail horizontally in two part, the lower and upper parts would not be the same.

In all species of betta fish, the veil tail seen as lowly they when compared with other tail betta fish. That's because it has droops tail, even when they flaring its tail.

Combtail Betta Fish

The combtail betta fish has caudal fin like a fan with sizeable spread, although generally at less than 180-degree spread.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @aliasbetta on instagram
The fins of this fish will have rays that overstay beyond the fin webbing, providing it a little spiky appearance, and make it looks like a comb. But, the spiky appearances of the combtail betta not too dramatic such as crowntail betta fish.

Crown Tail (CT) Betta Fish

The Crown betta fish type was first described in 1997 at Slipi, West Jakarta, Indonesia. This species has webbing between in their fin rays is lessen, generating the appearance of prongs or spikes, so it's known under the name "Crown Tail" (
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @mad_4shizzle on instagram

The crown tail betta fish is one of the easiest betta tail types to known among other betta tail types because it has spiky tail than the other. The CT betta can have 180-degree spread caudal fin or less, but less in 180 degrees is most commonly seen in pet stores.

Delta Tail And Super Delta Betta Fish

The named of Delta tail betta fish called that because this betta type has shape somewhat same the Greek letter 'D,' but on its side and it's tail more rounded at the end.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Delta Tail Betta Fish Credit to @beehumblefishies on instagram

The principal difference of the standard delta and super delta betta fish is that the super delta has tails almost reached 180 degrees spread, but not quite (if reach 180 degrees would be a half moon betta fish) while the spread of standard delta is smaller than it.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Super Delta Tail Betta Fish, Credit to @dutch_bettas on instagram

If you created a horizontal line on the middle of the standard or super delta body, this line would be symmetrical and the below and above tail would be equal.

The super delta or delta standard betta fish should not have "comb" or "crown" in its rays. Their tails edge should have a webbing until the end of the tail, so their tail doesn't appear  ‘spiky.’

Double Tail (DT) Betta Fish

Like its name (Double Tail/DT)  this betta fish type has a double caudal fin. This betta type is special. It has not a single fin that split in half but has the genuine double tail with double caudal peduncles.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @candiethebetta on instagram

The most important about double tail betta fish is not about caudal fins, even in size of it. But, an equal splitting of its caudal fin is extremely desirable.

Generally, these betta fish have shorter bodies and wider anal and dorsal fins, which normally it's the same with each other.

Half Moon Tail (HM) And Over Half Moon Tail (OHM)

The half moon betta fish has caudal fin with the full 180-degree spread. Commonly, It also has larger anal and dorsal fins than other betta fish type.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Halfmoon Betta Fish Credit to @ariftukangikan on instagram

The over half moon betta fish is an extreme type of the half moon. The OHM has the same tail with the standard half moon but, their spread, when flared, is more than 180 degrees.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Over Halfmoon (OHM) Betta Fish, Credit to @pupbetta17 on instagram
Half Sun Tail Betta Fish

The half sun betta type is produced by selectively cross-breeding between the half moon and crown betta tail varieties.
Credit to @jh_fish_farm on instagram
This betta type has tail spread full 180-degree like the half moon betta type, but it also has rays lengthen beyond the webbing of its caudal fins like as crown tail rays.

The half sun rays are slightly extended, almost not enough to compare with crown tail betta fish.

Plakat Tail Betta Fish

The plakat (PK) betta fish is one betta fish type which has short tail than with another betta type, which is closely related to wild betta fish (Betta splendens) that's found in wild nature.
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arsbetmark on instagram

The female plakat betta fish has short tails in all areas. Whereas the males plakat betta fish have longer ventral fins than females. The anal fins of males plakat betta fish are more sharply and have caudal fins more rounded than females.

The standard plakat betta fish commonly has slightly pointed or short rounded tails. But now, the plakat betta fish has two types that are the crown tail plakat and the half moon plakat betta fish.

Like a standard crown tail betta fish, the crown tail plakat type has the webbing reduced, and its rays are extended but with the characteristics of plakat which have short tails. While the half moon plakat type has 180 degrees, spread caudal fins, but it has short tails like a traditional plakat betta fish.

Rose Tail And Feather Tail Betta Fish

The rosetail betta fish is alike with half-moon betta type or OHM which has 180 degrees or more spreading of caudal fins.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @colorsbetta_thailand.a on instagram
The different of both is the rosetail betta fish has excessive branching of its rays that gives ruffled appearances to the of its tails which is similar to ruffled petals of rose flowers.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @bettarynz on instagram
Whereas, the feathertail betta fish has larger branching rays than rosetail that's giving an even more clear or extreme ruffled appearance with a slight zig-zag appearance.

Round Tail Betta Fish

This siamese fighting fish type is identic with delta betta fish type, but its caudal fins are fully rounded, without no straight edges near the body which make it tails almost like shaped-D
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
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erins_oneroomzoo on instagram

This betta type is almost same with basic plakat betta, but it has longer and fuller tails than plakat betta fish which the plakat has short tails.

Spade Tail Betta Fish

The spade tail betta type is identical to round tail betta type. But, the difference of both is the spade tail has the rounded caudal fins which these caudal fins come to a single spot, such as the spade in a deck of playing cards.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @pigeonhorse_lt on instagram
The spade tail betta fish should have an equal spreading caudal fin on both sides of the tail.

Types of Betta Fish – By Pattern

The other important factor to distinguishing betta types is by the patterning type and scales on its body, and also it's fins. There are some type has plain color, while some look awesome and another has the rare type that makes it more sought after and desirable. So check it below:

Betta Fish Bi-Colored Pattern Type 

The bi-colored betta fish have the body color only one color and have another color on its fins.
Credit to @bettrbetta on instagram

This type commonly works in 1 of 2 ways:

1. The "light bi-colored betta fish type" must have a light colored body, even though light colored fin is admissible. If the body of this fish have dark contrasting color is more preferred

2. The "dark bi-colored betta fish type" should have the body with a solidly colored in 1 of the 6 accepted solid colors. The fins color of this fish may transparent or brightly colored with a contrasting color to its body.

Both varieties bi-colored betta fish above, the betta fish must only have 2 colors and if it's being judged, the betta fish which have other marking in its body or tails will disqualification (with the exception of the darker on its head which is seen in the vast majority of betta fish species).

Betta Fish Butterfly Pattern Type

The butterfly betta pattern type has a single solid body color which reaches into the base of their fins. The solid color then stops in a strong separated line, and the rest of their fins are transparent or pale.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @

greatdanemom on instagram

So, the butterfly betta type has fins with two colors. The second color like a band on the outer half that's around the solid color. The ideal split color of butterfly type is 50:50. But, it's rarely achieved and commonly only reached 20% or more of split their color fins.

Betta Fish Cambodian Pattern Type

The Cambodian betta type is another variation of the bi-colored betta pattern type but actually is different enough.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @mikeyfishies on instagram
This betta pattern type has a pale color body. Ideally, it has flesh colored white or light pink. The color body is matched with bright solid color fins which it's frequently red although other color fins are can and do occur but it still with the solid flesh-colored body.

Betta Fish Dragon Pattern Type

The dragon betta pattern type is one of very popular betta fish type. It's because this betta fish has appearances almost like metallic.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @firemanoize_betta on instagram
It has a rich and bright base color, frequently red, but it has the scales are thick, metallic, iridescent and opaque white, which the body looks as though covered by scales of the dragon

The "dragon betta fish" is oftentimes abused by the betta lover to refer to any betta fish type which has thick scales that covered its face and body.

Nevertheless, the real dragon betta fish type does not only have thick scales, but it should have metallic scales, opaque white and varied finnage. If it does not have all of these characteristic, it may be classified as a "metallic betta fish type."

So, not all betta fish which has metallic appearances can be classified to the "dragon" betta fish type.

Betta Fish Marble Pattern Type

The marble betta fish type has irregular spotty or splash-like patterning on all over its the body.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @radiantbettas on instagram
Commonly, these betta fish have a pale base color, and it has patterns are in bold and also have a solid color such as blue or red.

The marble betta type should have marbling on its body, but should not on its fins. Some have fins with showing marbling, and the other has transparent fins. But, both variations still can acceptable to marble betta fish type.

What's the weird of this betta type? This marble betta has the patterns can change throughout its lives.

Betta Fish Mask Pattern Type

This siamese fighting fish type has faces naturally darker than the main body of its fish.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @singgahan.betta on instagram

This betta fish face have same color and shade as the rest of its bodies, that makes the head to the base of its tail a single uniform color.

Mask betta fish type is usually seen in copper, turquoise and blue betta varieties, but sometimes it's also found in many colors betta type too.

Betta Fish Multicolored Pattern Type

The multicolored betta fighting fish type is used to describe any betta fish which has 3 or more colors on its body and does not match into any other betta fish pattern type.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @cupang.newbie on instagram

Betta Fish Piebald Pattern Type

The piebald pattern betta fish type has a white color or pinkish, and it also has a flesh-colored face. The body color of the piebald type has a different color than face and its fins.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @the_gilded_pen on instagram

The piebald generally has a solid dark color on its body. It's also can have some butterfly-like patterning on its fins or maybe have slight marbling.

Solid Betta Fish Pattern Type

The solid betta type is betta fish with a single solid color on all over their body. This pattern type is usually seen in red betta fish.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @sambetta20sen on instagram

Wild-type Betta Fish Pattern Type

The wild-type pattern type is closely related to betta splendens in the natural habitat.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @borneo_cupang_alam on instagram
This betta type has red or brown color as the primary color for most of its body.

Sometimes there will be some green or blue color scales on its body. And also, there will be some red or blue color on the fins of the male's wild-type.

Type Of Betta Fish - By Color

And the last, the type of betta fish based on coloring. Many betta fish color type which has exotic color and maybe you do not found them yet. Read on to learn about them below:

Black Betta Fish Color Type

The black betta fish type actually has 3 types, there are :
  1. Melano which is has plain black color and infertile
  2. Black lace that is fertile
  3. Metallic or copper black is the betta fish type which has some iridescent scales too on their body or fins.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Black Melano Betta Fish, Credit to @canalaquahobby on instagram

Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Black Lace Betta Fish, Credit to @ashleighs_animals28 on instagram
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Black Metallic Betta Fish, Credit to @cobaltaquatics on instagram

Melano black betta type is the popular betta black color type among the betta hobbyist, and it has deepest black color than three types above, where they have gens mutation to massively which boost a lot of black pigment in its skins. Melano females betta fish being infertile means it can just be bred by melano betta gen carrying females of other varieties.

The black lace betta color type has good deepest black color too, but not really deep like the melano betta type. But, the female's black lace betta fish is not infertile such as the melano females. So, the black lace betta type is easy to breed, and this variety is readily achieved, and easy to found it's on trade.

Blue / Steel Blue / Royal Blue Betta Fish Color Type

There are three types of blue color betta fish, that is blue, steel blue and royal blue betta fish.
Blue Beta Fish, Credit to @dumbledorethebetta on instagram

Steel Blue Betta Fish, Credit to @wiradabetta on instagram
Royal Blue Betta Fish, Credit to @rulysanjaya_bettafishcupang on instagram

The true blue betta fish is frequently seen as a "blue wash" type color. However, the blue betta fish also can found in steel blue betta type where it has to contain cold and grayish color on its skin.

While the royal blue color type is the deepest and the richest blue color than with two betta type above, this fish has a more bright blue color than other bettas blue color type.

Clear / Cellophane Betta Fish Color Type

This siamese fighting type has transparent skin, without pigments. This betta fish almost would be uncolored if they were not contained the inside flesh which they have a pinkish color. And, they have a transparent tail and fins too.
Credit to @cattus_petasatus on instagram
The Cellophane betta type is usually confused with albino betta type, but the two types this is different. The Cellophane type has black eyes while the albino type has pink eyes same with all true albino animals.

Chocolate Betta Fish Color Type

The chocolate betta type is not an officially recognized type, but it's the term generally accepted and used by betta fish hobbyists.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @/iwan.blake on instagram

This term use for named a betta fish with a brown body and orange or yellow fins. This betta type is categorized as a bicolored variety.

The Chocolate type is often confused with mustard gas betta type, where the Chocolate has brown colored bodies, whereas the mustard gas type has dark green colored or dark blue or even it almost black colored bodies.

Mustard Gas Betta Fish Color Type

This betta type has dark blue, steel blue or green colored bodies and they also have orange or yellow fins. This betta fish is included to bi-colored betta pattern type.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @luvgemss on instagram

The mustard gas color type is frequently wrongly called "chocolate" betta fish, but it's only can be applied to those with has a brown color on its body.

Copper Betta Fish Color Type

The copper color type is highly iridescent commonly they have body colored almost light gold, deep copper with some red color in their bodies or purple and blue metallic.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @cocos_aquarium on instagram
When they keep in space with low lighting, they might look brown or silver colored. But, when they keep in high lighting space, they will show sparkling copper shine on their bodies.

Green Betta Fish Color Type

The pure green betta actually rare saw in betta fish. So what do you see and think of green betta fish type is erroneous. The green betta type often seen and found in the aquarium market by people is more likely to be a turquoise color type is not a true green betta type.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @betta_slaye on instagram

In reality, the green betta fish type is hard to see in most betta fish, and they will look same other dark-colored betta fish except if they kept in the dark room with the torchlight, the green color on its body will then shine out.
Opaque / Pastels Betta Fish Color Type

The opaque betta type is not actually one color but is generated by a gene that covered a milky white color on top of other colors. In consequence, there are opaque color versions off all the primary colors.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Opaque Betta Fish, Credit to @griya.cupang on instagram

Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Pastels Betta Fish, Credit @gingerbreadforest on instagram

With some colors on their bodies, it gives them a pastel color. The betta fish with this color type called "Pastels Betta Type" and considered a type of their own.

Orange Betta Fish Color Type

The orange betta color type is slightly rare to see. But if you find this color type, it generally has a rich orange color like tangerine oranges.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @bettarynz on instagram
However, when you kept it in low lighting spaces, the often looks are red. To bring out it's on the best color, keep it on high lighting spaces.

Orange Dalmatian Betta Fish Color Type

The orange dalmatian betta color type is also known under the name ‘apricot spots’ or ‘Orange spotted betta’ among on betta hobbyist.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @lamborhuy on instagram
The orange dalmatian betta has a pale orange color on their bodies and fins. But this betta fish has the brighter, deeper colored orange spots and/or has streaks on all over its fins.

Purple / Violet Betta Fish Color Type

The true purple betta fish color type is hard to found, because it's so rarely. But, it's to easy find the rich violets betta type or purplish-blues with copper color on their bodies.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Purple Betta Fish, Credit to @bettaguy on instagram

Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Violet Betta Fish, Credit to @happyfishaquarium on instagram

There're some solid purple betta fish, and also some purple bodied betta species with fins has a secondary color that has surfaced and has own creatives names.

Red Betta Fish Color Type

The red color is very usually seen in betta, but it's still striking and looks beautiful.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @betta_samurai_indonesia on instagram

Commonly, the red betta type is consist of two types, bright and solid red colors. But, sometimes you can also find the other red color, which is "red wash" which is mostly undesirable by betta lovers.

Turquoise Betta Fish Color Type

The turquoise betta color type is hard to explain.  That's betta fish where has blue-green color on its body or some color between green and blue. When they keep in a tank with a certain light, they can looks kind of plain green or plain blue.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @aquarium_dragonstone on instagram
The good way to decide if they are a turquoise betta type or not, first look that is too "green looking" to be a blue color and then giving lighting to them, at there should not be any yellow color at all if they are a turquoise betta fish type. If there are has a yellow color, it is more likely to be a green betta fish type.

Wild Betta Fish Color Type

The wild type is not used for describing the pattern of some betta type only, but the wild-type is also used to describe a color type.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to on instagram
Wild betta fish type has blue or green colored bodies with some blue and/or red color on their fins.

Yellow And Pineapple Betta Fish Color Type

The yellow betta fish type is generally known as "non-red" betta fish. This type included all betta fish with yellow color, start from an extremely light yellow to the rich color and also buttery hue.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Yellow Betta Fish, Credit to @cupang_maniac_ on instagram
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo 
And Description
Pineapple Betta Fish, Credit to @serialdrawer on instagram
The pineapple betta fish type is another form of yellow betta type. This type has a darker definition around the fish scales where it gives an appearance to the betta fish somewhat like that of the scales on pineapple fruits.

Albino Betta Fish Color Type

You probably usually hear about albinism in other animal species and the same goes for betta fish.
Knowing All Types Of Betta Fish - By Tail, Pattern And Color With Photo And Description
Credit to @riboflavinsheep on instagram
The albino betta fish type has a solid white color and does not pigmentation at all. It also has eyes with red or pink color. If you see another white betta fish with black eyes, that is not an albino betta type, but it is white betta types.

The albino betta type is very extremely rare and hard to find them. They will go blind at a younger age which makes them hard to breed and continuing their scarcity.

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