Bettas are among the most beautiful freshwater aquarium fish, but unfortunately their lives are often shortened by poor tank management practices.
If Betta Fish Die Young
Betta fish are among the most popular tropical freshwater fish out there, and it is easy to understand why. They are beautiful, with their flowing fins and brilliant colours. They are mysterious and come from distant countries in the east. And of course they are very dangerous, as they have been trained in super-secret fishy fighting styles.

But no aquatic ninja skills can save Bettas from the ultimate ending that awaits us all. Ashes to ashes; fish flakes to fish flakes. One minute you're happily swimming along, the next you're belly up and glued to the filter holder.
There is no escape from the angelfish of death. Unfortunately for many bed fish everything ends much too early. If you are the owner of such a fish, it can be quite discouraging if it dies before its time. You start to wonder what you did wrong, what you might have done differently and if you deserve to keep a fish at all.
I was there, with Bettas and other fish. All you can do is take an analytical look at your fish farming habits and try to figure out if you have made a key mistake somewhere along the line or not. In some cases you have not made a mistake. Just like other pets and even people, fish can suffer from congenital problems that shorten their lives.
Every time you unexpectedly lose a fish, it's worth taking a look and seeing if you need to change some of your practices. This article can help them do so. Here I have outlined some of the typical reasons why bed fish die and what you can do to avoid them.
Why did my Betta fish die?
Here are some common reasons why Betta fish die:
- Poor water conditions: Clean water is a must for every fish, especially Bettas.
- Low water temperatures: Bettas are tropical fish and require water temperatures between 75 and 80°F.
- Overfeeding: Excess food can kill your fish.
- Harassment by tank mates: Aggression, either directed at or from a Bettas, can reduce their lifespan.
- Stress: Many problems can contribute to stress for your Betta, including some you may never have imagined.
- Problems beyond your control: Disease and genetic problems can also shorten a fish's life.
Below I describe these problems in detail and sketch out a few options to avoid each.
Poor water conditions are one of the main reasons why a bedfish dies.
1. poor water conditions
Dirty water is one of the fastest ways to condemn any fish tank. And it does not even have to be visibly dirty. Chemicals from decomposing fish waste and uneaten food can contaminate your tank and make the water toxic.
Betta fish have a reputation for surviving in harsh environments where most fish would die. This is because they are anabantids. They have developed the ability to take air sacs from above the water when the water itself is polluted and low in oxygen.
Unfortunately, this is also what makes people think that it is okay to keep Bettas in bowls and tiny tanks. Sure, he will survive for a while. But small amounts of water pollute very quickly and it won't be long before he feels the negative effects of bad water conditions. Fin rot and other diseases can be the result, as well as a significant increase in stress, which will shorten his life.
Here are four things you can do to avoid this situation:
- Choose at least a 5-gallon tank for your Betta. This will not only mean a better habitat for your fish, but the tank will be easier to maintain.
- Use a filter. Yes, Betta fish need filters in their tanks. Some 5-gallon tanks are equipped with filters. Otherwise, there are nanofilters to choose from. If you go with a 10-gallon, you have many more options.
- Vacuum the gravel and make regular water changes. If you vacuum up the debris and do a partial water change every two weeks, your Betta's house will stay much cleaner.
- Test your water. It's impossible to know what's going on in your tank without testing, but fortunately this is easy to do at home. I use the API Freshwater Master Test Kit. It tests for ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, pH and high range pH and it is very easy to work with.
2. low temperatures
Some people seem to think that Bettas are like goldfish, and they will do well in an unheated bowl or tank. This is wrong. Goldfish require cooler water, but Bettas are tropical fish. As such they require water temperatures between 75 and 80 degrees.
Cool water again means stress, illness and premature death for your Bettas. Even if it is warm where you live, if the temperature drops during the night, it will cause the tank water to cool down quickly.
So what can you do?
Choose at least a 5-gallon tank. (Yup, it's worth mentioning twice.) Tiny amounts of water cool down very quickly, but five-gallon tanks keep their temperature a little better, and 10-gallon tanks are even better.
Use a heater. Like filters, there are nano versions for 5-gallon tanks, but more options for 10-gallon tanks.
Monitor the water temperature. Do not rely on the heater settings. A simple aquarium thermometer shows you how warm your water is at any given time.
3. overfeeding
All fish must eat a healthy diet. This means a high-quality flake or pellet and occasional treats. But some well-meaning Betta owners go overboard and add far too much food for a fish to consume. Just as with humans, when fish overeat, it can lead to disease. Food that is not eaten can also contaminate the water, making it toxic to your fish. And what goes into a fish must come out, so if you stuff your Betta to the gills, there will definitely be more waste in the tank.
So, what to do?
Feed your fish once a day and only as much as he'll eat in a few minutes. Try to ensure that as little food as possible is wasted.
Consider a day of fasting. Skip feeding one day a week.
Clean the gravel and do water changes. Establish a regular schedule to maintain a healthy tank. This doesn't have to be a big task and there are easy ways to do water changes.
4. harassment by tank mates
Betta fish can have tank mates in certain situations. However, you have to be very careful how you go about it. Certain types of fish can provoke aggression in Bettas, especially other anabantids or fish with flowing fins that can confuse them with another male Betta.
But there is another side of the story that you don't often think about until it's too late. While Bettas have a reputation for aggression and fighting, they are actually quite small, slow moving fish. They can be attacked and bullied by larger fish, and smaller fish can snap their fins. This means eternal (you guessed it) stress, which inevitably leads to premature (say it with me) death.
So how can we avoid this?
Have a backup plan. Whenever you have your Betta in a community tank setup, you must have another setup ready to go in case of a disaster. This could be something as simple as a temporary one gallon tank (with the intention of upgrading it to a 5 gallon tank ASAP). The point is to have a way to get bets out if something goes wrong.
Never try to keep your Betta fish with tank mates in a tank under 10 gallons. There's just not enough room for everyone to get along.
Be very selective about which tank mates you choose and how you introduce your Betta. Read Tank Mates for Bettas and Betta Fish in a community tank for help.
Stress is one of the main causes of death for Betta Fish.
5. stress
As we have seen, Bettas can die from poor water conditions, overfeeding, cool water temperatures and a dangerous life situation. Apart from the physical damage these problems can cause when your fish is under constant stress, it is more likely to get sick and more likely to die.
But there are other potential stressors in you tank that you may never have thought of. The current from the filter or bubbles can push Betta around. He can see his reflection in the tank glass and think it's another fish, and constantly looking to fight with himself. If he doesn't have a hiding place like a small cave or decoration, he can feel vulnerable. If a knucklehead in your household constantly taps on the glass, it can frighten him.
There are a few simple things you can do here (apart from attacking the person who keeps tapping the glass)
Choose a low-flow filter that doesn't blow it around the tank. Avoid bubbles in small tanks.
Make sure he has somewhere to hide and escape the world when he feels the need. Something as simple as a decoration or rock cave is fine.
Adjust the light in the room so that he cannot see himself. A little flickering is no big deal, but if he thinks he has to defend himself all the time, it will wear him out.
6. problems beyond your control
Betta fish are bred in large numbers. They live in teenage cups for part of their lives until you bring them home. When I say that a tank smaller than 5 gallons quickly becomes polluted, you can imagine how bad these little cups must be. It seems that the deck has been stacked against these poor fish since birth.
You have no way of knowing if your fish is sick when you bring them home. You have no way of knowing if he has a congenital problem that he will die no matter what you do. You can take a new puppy to the vet to have it checked for such problems, but with a tiny fish there is simply no way to know.
If you feel you've done everything right and your fish is going to die anyway, just go on your own. Yes, it always helps to take a look at your fish farming practices and analyze if you could have done anything else. But remember, it can't be your fault at all.
Likewise, if you have done all the wrong things and your Betta has lived for years, don't assume that doing the right thing doesn't matter. Like humans, some fish can lead an unhealthy life and survive into old age. And some can live in healthy, heated, safe, happy water and die young anyway. All we can do is what we can do. The rest is happiness.