Bettas are domesticated freshwater tropical fish that originate from a native fish from Thailand. The wild Bettas are less colorful and have smaller fins than the domesticated variety. However, the differences between the sexes remain in the domesticated Bettas, although they are less pronounced. Bettas are commonly referred to as Siamese fighting fish due to the aggressive nature of the males.

Betta Splendens fish
Betta splendens are popular tropical fish that are easily available in pet stores and department stores across the country. Bettas are easily recognized by their bright coloration and flowing fins. They are not community fish. Male Bettas cannot be kept in the same tank as everyone else because they will fight. Mating pairs can inhabit tanks of 10 gallons or larger. Bettas feed on the surface of the water instead of on the bottom or in the middle of the tank. They live on average two years in captivity.
Color dimorphism bettas
In general, domesticated male Bettas are more colorful than female Bettas. Wild female Bettas are usually brownish; however, domesticated females have been bred in colours similar to their male counterparts. Male Bettas begin to take on their more colourful appearance at about 3 months of age.
Fin Length Betta
Male domesticated Bettas have been bred to have a variety of elaborate and decorative dorsal, caudal and pectoral fin shapes, but you will not see them until the males are about 3 months old. Female domesticated Bettas retain fin shape similar to that of wild Bettas.
Although the differences between the fins are most pronounced in ornamental Bettas, the differences are to some extent still evident in the wild form and in the domesticated poster species, whose fins resemble those of the wild form.
Habits and behaviour of bettas
Male Bettas are aggressive towards other fish, especially males with long and trailing fins, which they might consider as rivals. Female Bettas can live together with other fish. They can also live singing or in groups with a male Bettas.
Male Bettas are responsible for building and guarding the bladder nest where the eggs of a pair are stored after spawning. The male also catches and sweeps into the nest any eggs or freshly hatched roasts that escape the nest, which he will do until the brood swims on its own. The female Betta is not part of the process after laying eggs.